Tania Marshall
Tania is a mental health professional with over 25 years of experience working with children, teens, and adults with developmental disorders, autism, and related conditions. She has held a variety of roles in a variety of settings, including clinical psychologist, therapist, and consultant. Tania is passionate about helping people reach their full potential and is committed to providing evidence-based care. She is also a strong advocate for people with disabilities and their families.
She works as a clinical psychotherapist in private practice with individuals, of all ages, with a variety of mental health difficulties, psychological disorders and/or educations needs including: anxiety disorders including social anxiety and social phobia, depression and/or suicide, bullying, post-traumatic stress disorders, panic attacks and phobia, sleep disorder, schizophrenia, psychosis, obsessive compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, personal stress, relationship issues, work stress, anger management, career or educational guidance, psychological reports, psycho-educational reports, cognitive assessment, gifted, twice exceptional , highly sensitive individuals and learning disabilities.
“I have always gravitated towards children and teaching. I am now a special needs teacher working with children with Autism and it is very fulfilling for me.”
Tania Marshall
Individual Therapy
is designed to help an individual explore their thoughts, feelings, understand their problems, develop coping skills, and make positive changes in their life. This can be used to treat a wide range of issues, like anxiety, depression, and more.
Group Therapy
is perfect for families, couples, and group trainings. This is designed to help people learn new coping skills, share experiences, strengthen relationships, improve communications, and resolve conflicts.
helps in ruling out or confirming a diagnosis. Assessments are used to gather information and identify the specific mental health condition that the individual is struggling with. This information can then be used to develop a treatment plan.
Tania’s mission
is to provide high-quality psychological care to individuals. She is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and confidential environment where clients can feel comfortable and safe to share their thoughts and feelings. She believes that everyone deserves access to quality mental health care, and she is dedicated to making her services affordable and accessible to all.
Tania: Your mental health advocate
The Neurodivergent Academy: Life Hacks for out-of-the-box thinkers
An Introduction to Neurodiversity - Empathy, Myths, Suicide, Gifts and Talents and Assessment
Episode 1 of 9
Why a strengths-based focus of Autism and Neurodiversity?
Episode 2 of 9
The Molotov Cocktail Ep. I - The connection between Autism, Neurodiversity and Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths
This is a 4 part series. This is the full version of Episode 1 of ‘The Molotov Cocktail’: Are individuals on the Spectrum at risk of being taken advantage of by toxic people? Or “Do I have an N, P or S on my forehead?” In this full video, Tania answers the FAQ of, “are Autistic, Neurodiverse or Gifted and Talented (Twice-Exceptional) individuals at more risk than Neurotypicals of being involved with the dark triad”? She discusses the unique combination of characteristics and themes that set this population of people to be more likely to be involved with toxic people, why they are more vulnerable and helpful tips and recommendations from her 20 year career, including information from the autobiographies of over thousands of clients she has seen over her career.
The Molotov Cocktail Ep. II: Autism, Neurodiversity and Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths
In Episode II, Tania discusses 39 red flags to learn about and be observant about in people. She offers tips and advice and uses actual cases from her work to illustrate why Neurodiverse individuals are often taken advantage of. She includes those who are highly sensitive individuals, intuitive individuals, shy and passive individuals, and those that describe the traits of being an empath.
A review of the unique combination of traits that lead Neurodiverse individuals to be set up to possibly be involved in toxic, abusive or violent relationships within marriages, with partners, friendships, co-workers, in partnerships, family members or other individuals. She then discusses very common red flags (covert and overt) that toxic people display, including the words, behaviors, and actions to be mindful of.
She discusses examples of how people across the lifespan have been taken advantage of from her clinic work. She introduces the ‘dark triad language’ and discusses toxic people’s common and not so common behaviours, how to protect yourself, dating sites and identity theft, including how to get out of a toxic relationship, how to find out if a dating profile is fake and other helpful tips.
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD)
This video is is no way Transphobic. Tania discusses her work with gender dysphoric children and teens over her career, including themes and narratives, the Autistic brain, vulnerability and social naivety, the stories that her young and much older clients tell her, the impact of the Internet, what leads to confusion and how to work with these amazing and gifted children or teens.
'What Next' section
Tania discusses why neurodiverse individuals need a ‘What Next’ section, after the diagnosis. In the full video, she addresses the fact that many individuals are not getting ‘What Next’ sections, why they are important, and how to explain a diagnosis in a strength-based way. She discusses how it frees an individual from being so hard on themselves, giving them permission to reframe the story they have been telling themselves. She also discusses educational resources, safety skills, the type of attitude an individual should have toward the diagnosis, making a success book, depressions attacks, getting a mentor or role model, and practicing extreme self-care and how to do this. She then discusses Alexithymia, Synesthesia, learning your sensory profile and making a sensory management kit, the pros and cons of disclosure, scripts, learning to advocate for yourself, intuitiveness, calming the brain, academic accommodations, intimacy and relationships, and finally; recommendations for a calming environment.
The Molotov Cocktail Ep. III
In Episode III, Tania discusses more about the traits of Narcissistic people, in particular. She also discusses the common disordered traits of the Dark Triad. This is her most FAQ that she receives. In this video she discusses their PhD in Manipulation, narcissism, and for the first time discusses her personal and professional experiences with these types of people. She talks about how detrimental they are to your health, the red flags, and then she asks the watch a series of questions they should consider if they are in a relationship with one of these dysfunctional people or are dating. Also, what to look out for at work. She discusses the painful parts of being with a Narcissist: acting, manipulating, charm and charisma and love bombing. Their brains are different. Tania discusses more red flags that you need to be aware of. She discusses indirect and direct abuse and the all too prevalent Tall Poppy Syndrome.
The Molotov Cocktail Ep. IV
This has been Tania’s most FAQ. In this Episode, Tania unpacks The Ph.D. in Manipulation, the common language, and behaviors that Narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths use. In this episode, Tania discusses the cycle of abuse, from love-bombing to the toxic toolbox that is sure to come later. This toolbox includes: witching the topic, blaming you, the silent treatment, gaslighting, idealization, devaluation, crazymaking, Dr Jekyll to Mr. Hyde, the silent treatment, narcissistic supply, interrupting the conversation, control, projection, no accountability for their actions and much more.
In this episode, Tania discusses more about Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria and how she takes a compassionate and exploratory approach to working with her clients.
Tania’s Approach & Philosophy
Over the years, numerous therapy approaches have been developed. Different approaches are required for different clients in various situations. Because no single theory works for everyone, Tania strives to use an integrated and flexible approach that allows the counselling experience to be tailored to each client’s unique needs and style.
She is passionate about assisting people in reaching their full potential by embracing their individuality. Tania assists clients in discovering their true authentic selves, resolving their concerns, and reaching their full potential. She hopes to assist clients in developing a strong and healthy sense of self, exploring feelings, discovering meaning, and focusing on strengths.
One of Tania’s goals is to assist clients in understanding and better managing emotional problems caused by unresolved, generally unconscious conflicts, which often originate in childhood. She also wants to help clients improve their communication skills and boost their self-esteem. She’d like to see people regain control and enjoyment in their lives, as well as learn healthy coping techniques and problem-solving skills.
There are numerous blog postings on this site covering a wide range of topics that could be of interest to you.
As we continue to update and expand our collection of blog posts, check back frequently.
Tania has talked about a wide range of problems and subjects that frequently come up in counseling sessions. The blogs are intended to assist you in between sessions, as well as with any problems or subjects that many people find difficult or in need of additional information on. Never forget that information is power.
The Autistic Female and Camouflaging/Masking: Constructing MY Face, Part I
The Autistic Female and Camouflaging/Masking: Constructing MY Face, Part ITania was one of the first psychologists in the world to explicitly detail the Autistic female profile. Her blog made international headlines in 2013. Her two award winning and best selling...
Where are all the females with Autism or Aspergers hiding? Life As a Chameleon Part I
Where are all the females with Autism or Aspergers hiding? Life As a Chameleon Part IIn my two Gold medal award-winning books, I Am AspienGirl and I am AspienWoman, I discuss the female phenotype and how it presents differently from males. One of the areas I have been...
Professional Interview Series: Professor Uta Frith
Professional Interview Series: Professor Uta FrithThis is the first in a series of interviewing professionals in the area of Autism, Aspergers and related conditions. It is with great honour that I was given the opportunity to interview Professor Uta Frith.Tania:...
Are you an NDIS participant?
NDIS Unregistered Provider
Due to the lengthy and expensive registration process, many small businesses and service providers opt not to register in the NDIS. These suppliers are referred to as unregistered providers. The professionalism or caliber of services provided by a service provider are unaffected whether they are registered or not. Tania is an unregistered NDIS provider. Meaning, if you are plan managed or self managed, you will be able to use some of Tania’s services depending on your plan goals.
Self Managed Plan
As long as the services you choose, arrange, and pay for are in line with the objectives of your plan, you have control and flexibility with a self-managed plan.
There are more people you can choose to work with because the service provider you employ doesn’t have to be an NDIS registered provider. You may therefore work with an NDIS Unregistered Provider.
Plan Managed Plan
When you have a Plan Managed Plan, your registered plan manager supports you in managing the administrative, financial, and purchasing aspects of the plan as well as its selection and purchase.
Although the services providers you utilize with this kind of plan don’t have to be NDIS registered, your plan manager must be. You may therefore work with an NDIS Unregistered Provider. This allows you more flexibility in terms of who you can work with, similar to a Self Managed plan.
NDIS Managed Plan
An NDIS Managed plan, also known as an Agency Managed plan, is one in which the NDIS actively runs your plan on your behalf. Because you can only deal with NDIS registered providers, your options for partners are limited. You must choose the services you want to use from an NDIS list.
You cannot use our services with this kind of plan since we are not listed as a provider with the NDIS.
When your plan is renewed or reviewed, you have the option to alter it if you realize it isn’t the best one for your needs.
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